As I prepare my Road Safety presentation today, I find myself reflecting on the heartbreaking reality of how many young lives we lose every day on our roads. Driving in Guyana is no easy task — it requires constant vigilance and awareness, not only of what we can see but also of what we might not see.
The Everyday Challenges of Driving in Guyana
Every day, drivers face an unpredictable mix of hazards: vehicles driving on the wrong side of the road, stray animals crossing unexpectedly, and potholes appearing out of nowhere. However, beyond these physical obstacles lies another critical challenge — driver behavior.
Risky Behaviors That Put Lives at Risk
A significant number of accidents are caused by risky behaviors like speeding, aggressive driving, and, most alarmingly, drinking and driving. Distracted driving, which includes talking or typing on the phone while behind the wheel, is particularly dangerous. These actions divert the driver’s attention away from the road, reduce reaction time, and dramatically increase the chances of a collision.
It's not just about distractions, though. Drivers in larger vehicles often fail to acknowledge the presence of smaller cars, cutting them off and ignoring their right of way. This kind of aggressive driving not only creates dangerous situations but also contributes to the already high level of stress on our roads.
Changing the Culture of Driving in Guyana
To make our roads safer, we must address both the culture and the behaviors that lead to accidents. This means raising public awareness about the dangers of impaired and distracted driving, encouraging safe driving practices, and promoting greater road courtesy. We need a collective commitment to fostering a culture where driving responsibly becomes the norm, not the exception.
The Role of Every Driver
Our road conditions demand that every driver remains alert, anticipates the unexpected, and makes safe decisions at every turn. Driving is not just about getting from point A to point B; it’s about doing so in a way that prioritizes safety — for ourselves and for everyone sharing the road with us.
Now is the time for all of us to recommit to being responsible drivers. Every action we take behind the wheel matters. Together, we can create a safer environment on our roads, where no young life is lost to preventable accidents.
Let’s Make Every Drive Count
Let’s use this moment to remember that every drive is an opportunity to make a difference. By driving safely, we protect not only our own lives but also the lives of others. Let’s make every drive count and every life matter.
In 2022, the Minister of Public Works reminded us that "we should observe the Five C’s: Care, Courtesy, Caution, Consideration, and Common sense.” These principles are not just words — they are the foundation of safe driving and a shared responsibility we all must uphold. Let’s embrace these Five C’s in every journey, ensuring that we make every drive count and every life matter.